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Tor Walmsley, MSc

mindful moments uk
“Tor Walmsley brings a warmth and devotion to her clients. She is expert in helping beginners learn the basics of mindfulness all the way to helping those who have a mindful practice. Tor is a friend of The Body Shop and we have used her skills to help further develop our culture of wellbeing, specifically helping to introduce mindful practice to our collective of retail and office staff. She has a soothing and calming voice, is a great co-creator and always a ‘fan favourite’ inside our organisation. I recommend Tor.”
– Nathan Andres, People Director Asia-Pacific & Global Wellbeing Leader - The Body Shop
I offer a wide range of mindfulness-based services in the community and across the corporate sector, both face-to-face and online.
Based on original teachings of meditation, all programmes combine Eastern wisdom with Western approaches to produce safe, inclusive and experiential training and practices that have been scientifically proven to benefit both individuals and organisations.
8-week programmes of mindfulness based stress reduction, MBSR
Sessions in mindfulness-based movement meditation, 'Shibashi'
Mindfulness-based compassionate living, MBCL
Mindfulness in Schools, MiSP
Courses designed to suit your needs
Bitesize mindfulness taster sessions
Micro-mindful breaks - Download brochure here
Mindfulness & mental health hygiene workshops
Pause, Re-evaluate, Innovate (Taster sessions & full programme) - Download brochure here
Mindfulness Buddy mentorship programme
Half-day retreats
Full-day retreats
Weekend retreats


I came across Mindfulness in 2007, towards the end of what had been the worst time in my life. I had been suffering with depression, emotional distress, and anxiety, becoming housebound at one point.
A book by John Teasdale Jon Kabat -Zinn, Mark Williams and Zindel Segal was recommended to me by a mental health professional; it's called "The Mindful Way through Depression" and takes you through an 8 week course in 'Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction'. By the end of reading the book and using the accompanying CDs, something started to shift. The drama and the fog started to clear, the mental chatter ceased a little and I began to function, once again, as a healthy, thriving human being.
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